Private Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Course Online

Attend with your birth partner between 20-35 weeks pregnant.

I know this part is difficult…

I’ve been where you are right now. You have an idea of how you want your birth to look. You have the gorgeous images in your head of a calm, serene birth supported by your birth partner. You can picture that very first time you hold your baby in your arms…but you just don’t know how to get there.

You know that birth is a natural process and that women have been having babies for thousands of years…but at the same time you’ve heard stories from your friends, families and probably even strangers at the super market telling you how their births “went wrong” and they needed saving.

You KNOW that you’re strong. You KNOW that a natural birth is possible…but you’re still getting doubts. So now you’re ready to put in the work…

I know that you’ll want to go into the birth of your baby feeling as prepared as possible…this is why you need to start taking action to build a positive mindset and start trusting your body NOW.

You see, you have had years…if not decades of being conditioned to think that the female body is flawed…that it’s not strong enough to cope with pain and that birth is a dangerous business that frequently goes wrong. Simply reading a book or a blog post that says “actually…birth is safe” isn’t enough.

In order to un-do all that conditioning, you need to address those fears head on and replace them with new, positive messages.

My bespoke Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Course is tailored entirely to your needs. I take the time to get to know you and your story to work with you and give you the best chance to have your positive birth experience.

I will stay present in your journey up until the birth of your baby, offering support at every stage should you need it.

Are you ready to throw those thoughts of doubt in the bin and go into the birth of your baby with a CONFIDENT mindset?

Do you want to be prepared for every possible outcome, so that even if birth takes a slightly different path than you intended, you still stay FOCUSED and IN CONTROL?

Do you want a birth coach who will stay PRESENT and check in regularly to make sure you keep up with your Hypnobirthing practise?

The Subconscious mind is just like a bookshelf…

Every time you have an experience, your subconscious mind stores that memory away to refer to in the future, just like putting a book on a book shelf. At the moment, your subconscious bookshelf is stacked high with negative images of birth. So when you go into labour, it’s likely that your fight or flight response will be triggered. We need to switch that around, we need to replace all those books on that book shelf with positive ones. So that when you go into labour NOW, you’ll have a much more pleasant experience.

Why do a private Hypnobirthing Course with me?

My name is Ellie Waddington and I set up Belle Mama Hypnobirthing and Positive Birth after an incredibly empowering home-birth with my second baby followed by a long stint on the sofa with a broken ankle (I won’t go into that story now!)

I am incredibly passionate about natural birth and championing the power of the female body while also preparing you for every eventuality you may face on your birth and pregnancy journey.

Unlike some other Hypnobirthing providers, I don’t shy away from the topic of pain. I tackle the topic head on and teach you that pain in childbirth is nothing to be scared of.

I am empathetic and a friendly person to chat to, whilst also giving you the kick up the bum you need to keep up with your Hypnobirthing practice and do the necessary prep for an AMAZING birth experience.

Wondering if Hypnobirthing is for you?

Book a no-obligation free discovery call!

Ellie Waddington Hypnobirthing teacher

Course Information:

  • Private Hypnobirthing Programme delivered online via Zoom

  • Includes:

    • 1x 30 Minute initial consultation call

    • 3x 2 hour teaching sessions

    • 1x 1 hour birth planning session

    • Support via Whatsapp when needed

  • Includes a space for you and your birth partner

  • You’ll receive a course work book along with lots of print outs and other information posted to you ahead of time (if you live outside of the UK, the cost of postage will be added to your invoice)

  • You’ll receive a bespoke essential oil roller-ball created just for you by me (for UK residents only)

  • A bundle of downloadable Hypnobirthing MP3’s

  • A personalised guided relaxation MP3 written by me specifically for you


  • Everyone who books a Private Hypnobirthing Course with me will receive a beautiful pregnancy journal


  • The full price for this programme is £485

  • An non-refundable deposit of £100 is taken when you book your initial consultation call.

  • After your consultation call I shall send you an invoice for the remaining amount which is payable at least 48 hours before the start of the first learning session.

  • You have the option to pay in 3 x monthly instalments, the first of which is due at least 48 hours before the start of the first learning session.

  • Honestly, the earlier the better. The more time you give yourself to prepare and master these techniques, the more chance you have of a positive birth experience. In general I tend to recommend that couples do a course with me somewhere between 20-30 weeks but certainly no later than 35.

  • No, nothing can guarantee you a pain-free birth.

    The idea of birth being painful is hugely subjective. What one person describes as really quite painful, somebody else may not consider to be particularly painful at all. More than likely, yes there will be pain. Your body is undertaking a MONUMENTAL task. You are literally working to get an entire person who is inside you, onto the outside.

    BUT I’m happy to make a very bold statement here and say that the type of pain you feel during labour, is NOT the agonising, mind-splitting pain that you often hear described. It is intense. It is powerful. But it is not constant, unbearable agony that your Auntie Shirley may have very colourfully described.

  • I completely get that not everybody may have a birth partner to attend the course with them, but if possible I STRONGLY recommend they do attend.

    During the course, you’ll learn essential techniques for birth partners to support the woman in labour including massage and aromatherapy. Plus, if the birth partner knows and understands the Hypnobirthing techniques, they can remind you during labour to keep using them if you start to lose your mojo a bit.

Still have questions? Book your no obligation free discovery call!

Lots of birth partners are not on board with Hypnobirthing when they first hear about it for a whole host of reasons. Here’s a little review written by Shaun, who accompanied his wife on a Hypnobirthing course with me:

“Approaching the birth of our first child my wife and I were anxious about the lack of plan in place for the birth itself. We found Ellie and approached looking for advice and help on what we could do to help with my wife's anxiety. I could not recommend more highly Ellies services. Her calming influence and expertise were invaluable to us both and if we decide to go for baby number 2 we will 100% be working with Ellie again.”

pregnant couple hold a baby scan photo