Birth your baby with confidence

Expert Hypnobirthing and Antenatal education to help you banish your childbirth fears and go into the birth of your baby with confidence and positivity.

Right now the thought of giving birth fills you with fear.

You worry that you may not be able to cope with the pain of labour or that you’ll need medical assistance during the birth. This means that you’re having a hard time enjoying your pregnancy right?

Not to worry! Hypnobirthing is an amazing tool that’s helping women all over the globe change the way they feel about birth AND helping them stay calm and focussed during their labour.


A positive birth experience means better quality bonding with your baby during the first few hours after birth PLUS more successful initiation of breastfeeding

Hypnobirthing course online

Studies have shown that doing a Hypnobirthing course can reduce your chances of needing intervention during birth from 36% to 16%

hypnobirthing and antenatal course online

Having a calm and positive birth experience leads to improved mental health during post partum recovery

What people are saying…

  • Expert tuition

  • On-going support until the birth of your baby

  • Attractive and informative resources

  • Engaging course content

  • Friendly and relaxed learning style

  • Hypnobirthing MP3 Audios included

  • Learning for birth partners too

  • Sign posting to trusted sources of information

  • Techniques and information backed up by up to date research


  • Honestly, the earlier the better. The more time you give yourself to prepare and master these techniques, the more chance you have of a positive birth experience. In general I tend to recommend that couples do a course with me somewhere between 20-30 weeks but certainly no later than 35.

  • No, nothing can guarantee you a pain-free birth.

    The idea of birth being painful is hugely subjective. What one person describes as really quite painful, somebody else may not consider to be particularly painful at all. More than likely, yes there will be pain. Your body is undertaking a MONUMENTAL task. You are literally working to get an entire person who is inside you, onto the outside.

    BUT I’m happy to make a very bold statement here and say that the type of pain you feel during labour, is NOT the agonising, mind-splitting pain that you often hear described. It is intense. It is powerful. But it is not constant, unbearable agony that your Auntie Shirley may have very colourfully described.

  • I completely get that not everybody may have a birth partner to attend the course with them, but if possible I STRONGLY recommend they do attend.

    During the course, you’ll learn essential techniques for birth partners to support the woman in labour including massage and aromatherapy. Plus, if the birth partner knows and understands the Hypnobirthing techniques, they can remind you during labour to keep using them if you start to lose your mojo a bit.