What is Hypnobirthing?

The majority of women start their pregnancy with a preconceived idea of what giving birth will be like. From an early age, we’re told that labour will be painful and frightening. Hypnobirthing is about changing that mindset. When you embark on a hypnobirthing course with me, you will learn a wide range of relaxation, mindfulness, visualisation and breathing techniques that will ensure you will look to your birth with confidence and positivity.

If I do a hypnobirthing course, do I need to do an ante-natal course too?

No! When you embark on a hypnobirthing course with me, not only will you learn valuable hypnobirthing skills, you will also learn all about the birth process, the role of hormones, how to write an informed birth plan. Essentially, you will be investing in a comprehensive birth preparation course.

Could I just read the same information in a book?

Yes, there are loads of great Hypnobirthing books out there. In fact, I have a list of books I recommend on my Instagram page. However, reading a book about a violin doesn’t mean you’ll be able to play one. There are a lot of benefits to investing in a Hypnobirthing course. Signing up to a group course gives you the opportunity to meet other expectant parents in your area and share the experience. Having a teacher there in person gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have and can also mean on-going support once your course has finished. Often your hypnobirthing teacher will tailor your course to suit your individual needs and will ensure that you understand the techniques fully.

When is the best time to start a Hypnobirthing course?

Well…any time! The more time you give yourself to practise your hypnobirthing, the more effective the techniques are likely to be. So I recommend starting a hypnobirthing course somewhere between 20-30 weeks pregnant. But honestly you can never start too early.

Will hypnobirthing give me a pain-free birth?

Hypnobirthing is not pain relief, and it’s never pretended to be. Hypnobirthing is a mind set, an attitude. It’s about managing and focusing. After months of practising my hypnobirthing, I had the most wonderful, calm home birth with my daughter. Thanks to the skills I learnt on the hypnobirthing course I invested in, I would describe the sensations of labour as powerful and intense rather than painful. But pain is subjective. And while I can’t guarantee you a pain free birth, I can guarantee that you’ll enter birth with confidence and positivity.

What areas do you teach hypnobirthing in?

I teach in rural North Northumberland. I use a couple of different venues according to availability and group size. Ideally situated for those living in or around Alnwick or Berwick. I also offer Group and One-to-One Courses via Zoom.