The Mindset Reset

For any stage of pregnancy for you to talk through any worries or niggles.

Something is standing in your way…

Hey Mama! Congratulations on your pregnancy and your upcoming birth!

You are well on your way to having an amazing birth experience…but is there still something worrying you?

Perhaps you have a little voice inside your head telling you that you won’t be able to handle the pain of giving birth? Or perhaps you’ve been recommended an intervention by your Health Care Provider and you’re just not 100% sure on how to make the decision?

I have created the Mindset Reset…

This is a 1 hour private session with me held online via Zoom.

During this session we’ll talk through whatever it is that’s bothering you about your pregnancy or birth and make an action plan together to start building your positive mindset going forward.

Topics you might like to discuss…

  • Your birth plan

  • Fear of pain

  • Where to birth your baby

  • Due dates

  • How to make decisions*

  • The induction process

  • C-section

What’s Included…

  • 1 hour with me online via Zoom

  • A bespoke Action Plan PDF with steps for you to take going forward

  • Notes from our session together

  • a 50% discount on entry to The Hypnobirthing Tool Kit

Price: £90

*Please note that although I am able to talk you through the decision making process and provide you with up to date research, I am unable to give you medical advice.


My name is Ellie Waddington and I set up Belle Mama Hypnobirthing and Positive Birth after an incredibly empowering home-birth with my second baby followed by a long stint on the sofa with a broken ankle (I won’t go into that story now!)

I am incredibly passionate about natural birth and championing the power of the female body while also preparing you for every eventuality you may face on your birth and pregnancy journey.

Unlike some other Hypnobirthing providers, I don’t shy away from the topic of pain. I tackle the topic head on and teach you that pain in childbirth is nothing to be scared of.

I am empathetic and a friendly person to chat to, whilst also giving you the kick up the bum you need to keep up with your Hypnobirthing practice and do the necessary prep for an AMAZING birth experience.