Ellie Waddington is a hypnobirthing teacher in Northumberland. She's sitting on her doorstep drinking a cup of tea

About Ellie Waddington

Hello and welcome!

My name is Ellie. I am a birth educator, Hypnobirthing teacher and antenatal instructor living in rural Northumberland.

I am a wife, mother of two feral children, snuggler of a big yellow labrador named Bosun and a copious drinker of tea!

My goal is for you to go into the birth of your baby feeling confident, empowered and informed. I believe in the power of natural birth and I want to share that knowledge with you.

Using a unique combination of Hypnobirthing and mindfulness techniques, I help you approach this transitional event of your life with strength and courage.

Why Hypnobirthing?

My two births couldn’t have been more different.

When I gave birth to my little boy back in 2018, I didn’t do any birth preparation at all. I didn’t do any ante-natal courses, no hypnobirthing, no birth plan, no coping strategies. Absolutely nothing. I buried my head in the sand and didn’t think about it. I’d never even heard of the concept of a positive birth. Just like most people, I pictured birth as you see it on television, in a hospital with lots of pain and shouting.

What this actually meant is that by the time I was in labour and got to the hospital, I was clueless with regards to what was happening to my body, how to work with it or even how to manage birth sensations. And I was even more clueless when it came to making birth decisions. I simply gave my consent for every thing, because I assumed that was what was best.

This actually resulted in quite a negative birth experience for me.

When it came to having my second baby in 2022, I went in all guns blazing. I invested in a Hypnobirthing course, I put together a detailed birth plan and I researched all of my birth choices. Not only did I have a positive birth, I had the most amazing calm home-birth of my dreams in my little stone cottage in Northumberland. The difference between my two births was absolutely ASTOUNDING!

Hypnobirthing had not only allowed me enjoy my birth experience (it honestly was one of the best experiences of my life) but empowered me, made me feel like a goddess, taught me to trust my body again!

It was the differences between my two births that really solidified in my head the power of Hypnobirthing…and honestly I became obsessed. I wanted…no…NEEDED to spread this message of empowerment to other women.

So I trained to become a Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Teacher and Positive Birth Coach. I get such a buzz out of helping women empower themselves to take control of their births, and this is what I want for YOU!

I can’t guarantee a particular birth outcome for you, nobody can. What I can guarantee is that you’ll go into your birth informed, empowered, confident and with a unique combination of relaxing Hypnobirthing techniques and powerful mindfulness exercises to help you through what will be a life-changing experience.

“I caught her with my own two hands and brought her up out of the water and onto my chest.”

Ellie Waddington holds her newborn baby in a birth pool at her homebirth in Northumberland.

“We have gained so much knowledge which has given us more confidence going into our first birth. Ellie is always on hand and no question is too small! Thank you x”

Rosie - Private Hypnobirthing Client