Learn how to overcome your fears and go into the birth of your baby with confidence and positivity.

I went from being so scared of birth that I couldn’t even think about it, to being OBSESSED! If I can overcome my fears, so can you…

Elsa used the Hypnobirthing Tool Kit to have a confident and empowered birth!

Elsa’s Experience…

“I really thank the Hypnobirthing Tool Kit for viewing birth as a positive thing and not something to be fearful about. My labor was very long. I used the imagery of riding the wave. When I labored at home I had no distractions all day, no phone, no texting, turned off social media and just listened to calming music, did things that would boost my oxytocin. I was not afraid,  I was just one step closer to meeting my daughter


  • My signature method for overcoming your birth fears and birthing your baby with confidence.

  • A range of tools to help you access a deep state of relaxation during any birth journey

  • How you can use your environment to your advantage to make your birth easier

  • A breakdown of the birth journey and how you can work with your body at each stage rather than fighting against it

  • An entire section for birth partners so that they can learn how to best support you

  • How to research and make decisions around your maternity care

  • My formula for putting together an informed, empowered birth plan that works for you

  • Resource library

  • Monthly LIVE classes so that you can ask questions and really cement in the knowledge on some of the more tricky subjects.

The Method

How do you go from scared to prepared?





Your positive birth experience starts here…

A sneaky peek inside the Tool Kit…



…and what we can do to minimise fear in the birth room


How does our brain affect physical processes within the body and how can we use that to our advantage during labour?


AKA The Keeper of The Cave and why their role in the birth room is absolutely essential to your positive birth experience


It’s not what you think!

Hypnosis is an effective way of changing the way we feel about something and is the core around which modern Hypnobirthing is built

What others are saying…

What’s covered in the Hypnobirthing Tool Kit?

  • -Introduction

    -What is Hypnobirthing?

    -What does a positive birth experience mean to you?

  • -The Fear-Tension-Pain cycle

    -The Mind-Body connection

    -How to start building a positive mindset

  • -Breathing

    -How to use your guided relaxations

    -The power of visualisation


  • -Why knowing your rights is so important

    -Using your BRAIN

    -How to put together your birth plan

  • -Reframing Pain

    -The role of hormones

    -The stages of labour

  • -The role of birth partners

    -Birth partners guided relaxation

  • -Hypnobirthing MP3’s

  • 11 Pre-recorded videos

  • 7 Presentations

  • 6 Downloadable audios

  • 3 Immersive visualisations

  • Birth partners section

  • 25+ Printable PDF’s

  • Monthly LIVE classes

  • Exclusive Facebook Community Group

  • Discount on 1:1 sessions


When you sign up to The Tool Kit, as well as everything mentioned above, you’ll also receive these amazing bonuses worth £31!

  • 12 Printable Affirmation Cards

  • Training video on how to use journaling during pregnancy to boost your positive mindset

  • Positive Birth Affirmations Audio (boost your birth mindset while you sleep!)


  1. First, you give yourself a hug and congratulate yourself on taking this first amazing step on your positive birth journey!

  2. When you sign up, you’ll receive your log in details and get instant access to pre-recorded videos, presentations, your Hypnobirthing audios, PDF’s and SO much more!

  3. Once a month we have a LIVE class where we dive into some of the juicier topics to make sure you have a firm understanding

  4. Join the Facebook group for extra support and accountability from your fellow mamas-to-be!


  • Example birth plans to help get you started

  • A list of trusted resources so that you know you’re getting the very best, up-to-date info!

  • Worksheets to print out and fill in as you go along

  • Printable affirmation cards to use however you like!

  • Discount on 1:1 sessions if you need extra support

My name is Ellie Waddington and I set up Belle Mama Hypnobirthing and Positive Birth after an incredibly empowering home-birth with my second baby followed by a long stint on the sofa with a broken ankle (I won’t go into that story now!)

I am incredibly passionate about natural birth and championing the power of the female body while also preparing you for every eventuality you may face on your birth and pregnancy journey.

Unlike some other Hypnobirthing providers, I don’t shy away from the topic of pain. I tackle the topic head on and teach you that pain in childbirth is nothing to be scared of.

I am empathetic and a friendly person to chat to, whilst also giving you the kick up the bum you need to keep up with your Hypnobirthing practice and do the necessary prep for an AMAZING birth experience.

  • Honestly, the earlier the better. The more time you give yourself to prepare and master these techniques, the more chance you have of a positive birth experience. In general I tend to recommend that you start learning Hypnobirthing between 20-30 weeks...but you can benefit from the techniques at any stage of pregnancy.

  • All pregnant women and their birth partners will benefit from this course whether they’re first time parents or 2nd or 3rd time parents.

  • Hypnobirthing is not pain relief, and it’s never pretended to be. Hypnobirthing is a mind set, an attitude. It’s about managing and focusing. After months of practising my hypnobirthing, I had the most wonderful, calm home birth with my daughter. Thanks to the skills I learnt on the hypnobirthing course I invested in, I would describe the sensations of labour as powerful and intense rather than painful. But pain is subjective. And while I can’t guarantee you a pain free birth, I can guarantee that you’ll enter birth with the tools to conquer anything.

  • I strongly recommend that your birth partner learns the tips, tricks and techniques in this course too. During the course, you’ll learn essential techniques for birth partners to support the woman in labour. Plus, if the birth partner knows and understands the Hypnobirthing techniques, they can remind you during labour to keep using them if you start to lose your mojo a bit.

  • From the date of purchase you have 12 months access to The Hypnobirthing Tool Kit.

  • Due to the downloadable nature of the audios and the PDF’s included in the course, the price is non-refundable.

online hypnobirthing course
online hypnobirthing course
online hypnobirthing course

Want to know how Hypnobirthing helped me…?

Hypnobirthing teacher enjoys skin to skin with her newborn baby after a calm home birth in Northumberland

My two births couldn’t have been more different.

When I gave birth to my little boy back in 2018, I didn’t do any birth preparation at all. I didn’t do any ante-natal courses, no hypnobirthing, no birth plan, no coping strategies. Absolutely nothing. I buried my head in the sand and didn’t think about it. I’d never even heard of the concept of a positive birth. Just like most people, I pictured birth as you see it on television, in a hospital with lots of pain and shouting.

What this actually meant is that by the time I was in labour and got to the hospital, I was clueless with regards to what was happening to my body, how to work with it or even how to manage birth sensations. And I was even more clueless when it came to making birth decisions. I simply gave my consent for every thing, because I assumed that was what was best.

This actually resulted in quite a negative birth experience for me.

When it came to having my second baby in 2022, I went in all guns blazing. I invested in a Hypnobirthing course, I put together a detailed birth plan and I researched all of my birth choices. Not only did I have a positive birth, I had the most amazing calm home-birth of my dreams in my little stone cottage in Northumberland. The difference between my two births was absolutely ASTOUNDING!

Hypnobirthing had not only allowed me enjoy my birth experience (it honestly was one of the best experiences of my life) but empowered me, made me feel like a goddess, taught me to trust my body again!

It was the differences between my two births that really solidified in my head the power of Hypnobirthing…and honestly I became obsessed. I wanted…no…NEEDED to spread this message of empowerment to other women.

So I trained to become a Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Teacher and Positive Birth Coach. I get such a buzz out of helping women empower themselves to take control of their births, and this is what I want for YOU!

I can’t guarantee a particular birth outcome for you, nobody can. What I can guarantee is that you’ll go into your birth informed, empowered, confident and with a unique combination of relaxing Hypnobirthing techniques and powerful mindfulness exercises to help you through what will be a life-changing experience.

Your body, your baby, your birth