Amy’s Home Birth

A new mother cradles her newborn in the birth pool

On 1st October 2023 I had a beautiful home water birth with my first baby at 40+4.
Until part way though my third trimester I was in the ‘wing it’ camp when it came to my birth. Being told from countless people not to bother with a birth plan as  it never goes that way on the day. I had no idea what decisions you may be presented with or what your body goes through during labour.

When I started decorating my son’s nursery, I was searching for something to listen to and came across Hypnobirthing. This is where my journey to my dream birth began.
I had always been excited to give birth, the female body fascinates me and I couldn’t wait to see what my body was capable of. Hypnobirthing allowed me to truly unlock my potential.

After educating myself, listening to numerous podcasts and completing a hypnobirthing course with Ellie (Belle Mama Hypnobirthing), I realised how safe and natural birth actually is. I decided I wanted to have a home birth and hired a birthing pool. I created a calming and safe atmosphere in my  living room by having fairy lights, sticking positive affirmations on the walls and clearing a space where the pool would go. For weeks, I practiced relaxations provided by Ellie and learnt to fully switch off. I used essential oils during this time so I associated these smells with feeling utterly relaxed.

The week running up to my birth I had been experiencing intermittent contractions, I knew my labour was getting closer. Saturday 30th September I spent going about my day to day life, though I was having ‘tightenings’ quite frequently. I say tightenings as that’s what I thought they were - because I wasn’t in pain (as you’re led to believe happens) I dismissed these as being contractions - which they were. I was in early labour without realising. I have vivid memories of walking around Sainsbury’s stopping in the aisle waiting for each contraction to stop before carrying on looking at what I was going to have for tea.

Fast forward to 9:30pm, I was sitting on the sofa and all of a sudden my waters break. I waddled upstairs to tell my husband but still was in a fair bit of denial that I was actually in labour. 5 minutes later my waters broke again, a bit more this time. I asked my husband to begin pumping up the pool (my main concern was getting it filled as it takes a while!). I began having contractions that were more intense, I moved to the living room where I had my birthing ball, fairy lights, essential oil diffuser and hypnobirthing tracks playing. Because of all the relaxation practice I had been doing for weeks prior, I knew exactly how to breathe through my surges and remain calm. It wasn’t long before my surges became stronger and more frequent.

My husband rang the PAU who dispatched midwives to come to the house. Just as he got off the phone I began getting the urge to push. I knew this was the next stage of labour so I carried on trusting my body and focussed on my breathing, doing what my body was telling me to do. I got into the pool and could sense my baby was coming. I could feel my babies head beginning to crown. As the midwives arrived, my babies head was almost out. 15 minutes later he was born. He was born in the water, I scooped him up and placed him on my chest where we stayed for a while, taking it all in.

The midwives completed all their checks and left just over 3 hours after the birth.
I had (unintentionally) birthed my beautiful boy with just me, my wonderful husband and my dog Winnie in the house. I wanted a hands off birth but wasn’t expecting to do it that independently! From my waters breaking to him being born was 3.5 hours.

I feel incredibly lucky that I was able to have the birth I wanted - a natural home birth. Every time I think back to my birth, I am filled with such overwhelming positivity. I truly believe Hypnobirthing was the main driver which enabled this as I was equipped with knowledge and was empowered to make decisions about my birth, ensuring I was happy whatever happened.

Ellie Waddington

Hi I’m Ellie! I’m a Hypnobirthing Teacher, Antenatal Instructor and Positive Birth Mindset Coach and I’m here to help you have an amazing birth experience!


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