Sophia’s Positive Plan B

I LOVED reading this story from Sophia. She had originally planned a home birth, but thanks to the knowledge and assertiveness she’d gained from The Hypnobirthing Tool Kit, she had put together several birth plans to account for any birth scenario. So when she went into labour at 35 weeks, she knew exactly how to handle it. Also note the incredible support from her birth partner Dan!

“After the England Semi final match, I had stomach cramps and backache all day, just Braxton Hicks I thought and I've had bad backache for a couple of weeks.

At 6pm the next day the pain intensified and I got Dan to call triage as I was only 35+5. I put on my hypnobirthing tracks on my sleep band and eye mask, Dan picked up the hospital bag and fairy lights and some lights I wanted as well as the lavender room spray. But unfortunately he couldn’t find my comb.

I was taken to a bed for a CTG (Dan asked for wireless, which they did) and they asked to do a VE which I agreed to by this time I had got my breath right, I was 6cm dilated!! So I was taken to a labour room, my midwife Lisa was given my birth plan by Dan straight away and she said she'd done hypnobirthing for her first and would try and stick to it the best she could. My Doula Dawn arrived the 3 of them set about decorating the room for me, I'd was complaining between waves about the heat then Dan  said he had also brought the fan. But I couldn't cope still so I ripped everything off.

I laid on the bed for a bit on my side as it was the comfiest position. By 8:28 I started to walk around and squat although that did lead to an embarrassing breaking wind moment where it was followed through with diarrhoea, Dawn got a someone who cleaned the floor and cleaned me up without any fuss.

Dan kept me calm and kept repeating some positive affirmations. He also kept feeding me some jelly babies, although some of these did make their way back up.

Because of my heart conditions I had a consultant come in to check my heart regularly, and do ECG's Dawn did have to tell him to knock before entering and she asked if they had to be every hour, we managed every 2 hours and as it happened everything was okay as was my blood pressure.

At 9:01 Lisa asked if I was okay with a student coming in which I was, her name was Ashelly (I'd met her before) she asked if she could do another VE but as soon as her fingers in my I screamed in pain it actually hurt, thankfully she removed quickly and I refused any more. Luckily Lisa asked if she could look at my back and looked for the purple line and explained to Ashelly what she was looking for, she didn't give a number but said I was near. At 10:56 my waters broke.

A few minutes before midnight, I went into transition (I didn't know it at the time). I kept saying "Dan I can't do this, I want to go home, I can't do this" he kissed my forehead and said "V (he calls me V) you can do this, you are doing it, I'm here you're okay"

I can't remember being told I needed to push, but I just know I had to. Dan was behind me waiting to catch the baby. I was making some wild animal noises Dan said he'd never heard strange things coming from me. At 1:33 I let out an almighty roar and her head came out, then another big roar and she came flying out into Dan's hands, then Lisa switched positions with him and he got in front of me and handed me our baby girl, I cried, Evangeline cried and then Dan hugged us and he cried. Even though she was early (34+6 by scan date 35+6 by mine) she didn't need to go into the NICU. I had crocheted a shawl and Ashelly pick it up and put it over my shoulders, as I was still naked.

We managed 45 minutes of the golden hour skin to skin before my placenta came during that time she found my breast and started feeding, Dan cut the cord, after she'd been weighed and checked Dan took her for skin to skin. While I had my tea and toast. Afterwards I feel asleep.

We kept the placenta and have buried it in the garden and planted a rose bush on top.

We woke up at 5:37 because she wanted a nappy change (Dan did, I supervised) once clean she wanted a feed. I fed and Dan popped home for some bits. The midwife Lisa came to see me before her shift ended. Dan came back with a McDonald's breakfast it was the best one I'd ever had.

We decided we would wait until morning to tell everyone as we wanted it to be just us 3 for a while.

At 7am we sent a group message to everyone. "Hello my name is Evangeline, I decided to come early at 1:33 this morning, weighing 4lb 8oz, Me and Mummy are doing well and my Mummy and Daddy can't wait for you to meet me, but could you wait until we are home please"

I was discharged at 2pm and I'd already had a lot of messages and missed calls from Mum so about, 2:30 I text her saying we were home, she lives 10 minutes away and was here in 5 (I'm surprised she wasn't in my house waiting)”

If you want to get prepared for any birth scenario and birth your baby with confidence and positivity, hit the link below to start your journey!

Ellie Waddington

Hi I’m Ellie! I’m a Hypnobirthing Teacher, Antenatal Instructor and Positive Birth Mindset Coach and I’m here to help you have an amazing birth experience!


Elsa’s Empowered Epidural Story