What is Hypnobirthing?

Why should I do Hypnobirthing?

You see, as a society, we have become really quite fearful of childbirth. We’ve lost trust in our body to be able to conceive, grow, birth and feed our baby. We immediately think that birth is going to be painful, frightening and dangerous. So with all this in mind…relaxing during birth is near on impossible…our subconscious mind simply won’t allow it.

So why is this a problem?

Simply put, if our subconscious minds perceive us to be in a dangerous or frightening situation while we’re in labour, it can cause our labour to slow down and even stall. And things get a whole lot more complicated when our subconscious mind perceives the labour process itself to be the danger…and an internal conflict begins to take place.

Hypnobirthing can help with that!

A pregnant woman lies in the shade with her eyes shut while listening to a relaxing hypnobirthing track through headphones.

How does hypnobirthing work?

Hypnobirthing is all about re-conditioning your brain to view birth as a safe, normal event using simple yet effective techniques.

When you embark on a Hypnobirthing course with me, I aim to alleviate your fears and teach you a range of techniques to help you trust your body again and relax during labour.

  • First, we talk about what fears you have and where they come from. I teach you how to alleviate those fears so that you can go into the birth of your baby with a confident and positive mind set.

  • Then, we learn the Hypnobirthing techniques. A combination of mindfulness, breathing, affirmations, relaxations, visualisations, aromatherapy and anchors for you to use during the birth process and beyond.

  • Next, we talk about how to make informed choices and take control when it comes to the care of you and your baby and you’ll learn how to put together an informed, well researched birth plan that works for YOU.

  • And lastly, you’ll receive a full antenatal education where you’ll learn exactly what happens during the birth process from start to finish so that you can work with your body to best allow natural birth to unfold.

What does the “hypno” part of Hypnobirthing mean?

The Hypno part of Hypnobirthing is short for Hypnosis. Now I know what you’re thinking…Hypnosis sounds a bit “alternative” right? That’s usually because when we think of Hypnosis we imagine somebody in a suit on a stage swinging a pendulum in front of somebody and sending them into a trance.

Well…this is actually what we call “stage hypnosis” and is complete nonsense.

Real hypnosis is simply a deep state of relaxation. You’re always in control (nobody can put you into a trance and do “mind control” on you) and it’s actually a very effective form of therapy that’s used to treat phobias, addictions and other areas.

Does all of this sound good?

I teach in-person Hypnobirthing courses in Alnwick, Northumberland. I’m also available to work online over zoom, so we can work together wherever you are. All of my courses include a space for both you and your birth partner, so that you can go into the birth of your baby feeling fully supported.